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Category Archives: General chit chat
The Majorly big gigantic post of 2012
So since my last post was in November for Monkey #2’s birthday I am going to start with now and work my way back. This may be long but I really want to keep track and I am going to try and keep my posts more often. Ryland was thankfully healthy enough to start his […]
Happy Birthday Monkey #2
Well what a difference a year makes. Last year we had a little boy that wouldn’t blow out his birthday candles, This year he did and was happy to do so. I think the spiderman cake had something to do with it. Yes Monkey #2 is now 4 years old. Where oh where did the […]
Also posted in scrappy posts
Tagged banner, paper doll dressup, scrapbooking, spiderman
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Gone but never forgotten
Well today i have sad news. My wonderful Grandpa passed away this past Saturday. He is gone from this earth but he will never be forgotten. I am so grateful for my in laws. They came out to visit after Christmas and they kept Monkey 1 and 2 while Monkey 3 and I flew to […]
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Monkey #1 is 6!!!!!!!!!!!!
so i’m about 9 days late in posting this, but i can’t believe that my oldest baby is 6. I became a mommy for the 1st time January 2005. He has changes my life entirely and for the better. I can not imagine my life without this beautiful sweet little boy. He is the most […]
My Baby is ONE!!!!!
Monkey number 3 is now a whole year old. I don’t know where all the time has gone. He is such a happy little guy. Very compassionate too, he gets very concerned when he sees someone upset and tries to make them feel better. We had his birthday party on wednesday with a few close […]
Also posted in scrappy posts
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it has been a while
When I decided to, start a blog I really had intended on posting at least twice a week. So far it hasn’t worked out that way, maybe summer wasn’t the time to start one but I’m sure things will pick up when Monkey #1 starts kindergarten and Monkey 2 goes to preschool. I haven’t been […]
Also posted in scrappy posts
5 months
How did it happen? How did my little baby get to be 5 months old so fast? Oh he brings me so much joy, you forget how quick the baby days go by. Monkey 1 and Monkey 2 are so big now and learning new things and demanding more thing and Monkey 3 is just […]
what a night
Well i have to say that last night sucked, Ryland took forever to go to bed and ended up in our bed walking up about every 30 minutes. No fever but he said he has an ear ache and a sore tummy,  so off to the walk-in this morning when it opens
YAY Soccer
Ryland had his first soccer game tonight with his little friend Amber. OMG they were sooo cute, all these little ones in purple jerseys that are way to big for them, running around in circles and not always staying in their own field. Ryland told me he got to pick the team name, and he […]
What a day
Well first off Tristan developed a fever on Sunday afternoon, 104.3 the poor little guy, out came the Tylenol and it went down. Next comes Monday still fevered but it was lower, down to 102. It keeps the trend, today it was lower but he was still fevered 100 to 101 and he seems to […]